Celebrate Christmas in style!
From November 23, 2024, to January 6, 2025, when you purchase products from Alessi, A di Alessi, or Officina Alessi, you’ll receive an exclusive gift. The gift you receive depends on the total value of these brands' products in your order.
Orders between €30 and €79.99: Receive a Set of 2 Bark for Xmas Table Markers.
Orders between €80 and €119.99: Receive a 30cm Bark Offer Christmas Tree.
Orders above €120: Receive a Moka Espresso Coffee Maker – 1 Cup – Red.
Only one gift will be awarded per qualifying value level in your order.
Purchases from other brands can contribute to the overall order total, but only the value of Alessi, A di Alessi, and Officina Alessi products will be considered for the gift.
Discover the magic of Christmas with Alessi. Shop now and claim your exclusive gift!
- If you fulfill all the campaign conditions, the offer will be automatically added to your cart;
- Offer valid for the following brands: Alessi, A Di Alessi, and Officina Alessi (Shipping not included);
- Offer limited to existing stock;
- Offer valid from November 23rd to January 6th, 2025;
- The offer is not guaranteed on orders placed before the beginning of the campaign or paid after the end of the campaign;
- Campaign valid for online purchases and in the physical store in Aveiro.
For more information about this campaign, please contact us.