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Making cheese has always been one of the great miracles such as bread or any other staple food but, in this case, we want the magic to be done by you at home using a simple process. The Lékué Cheese Maker contains three parts in a single utensil that will help you in each phase of the simple process of making fresh cheese. First of all, there is the white bowl into which the milk is poured to heat it in the microwave, then we have the lid, which acts as a dispenser that measures the amount of acid to use (lemon, vinegar or yoghurt) and which we use to pour the acid easily into the milk given that it is flexible as it is made of silicone and, finally, the strainer into which the mixture is poured to obtain the rennet and the shape of a professional fresh cheese. This is the process, with these simple ingredients and with no need for more utensils.

Lékué history began in the 1970s, when it produced silicone for other brands products, being the 2005 the year of change. With the entrance of new capital and a new management team, the company strongly marked identity, revolutionizing the world of cooking to create practical, functional products but also recognizable and fun, distancing itself completely from the competition. Feeling good is a consequence of a healthy and balanced diet.
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