Low-maintenance indoor plants

Published : 04/02/2022
Categories : Let yourself be Inspired

Low-maintenance indoor plants

How many times have you bought a plant on impulse and then let it die? Or how many times have you hesitated to buy one because you don't have time or don't know how to take care of it?

If you tend to forget to take care of your plants (or you don't know how to do it), the solution is to invest in species that require little maintenance. We've put together a list of plants that are easy to care for so that even the most distracted person can keep them alive and healthy! Check it out.


This tropical plant needs little maintenance and is incredibly hardy. It adapts to almost any light conditions and tolerates periods of drought. Even when slightly dehydrated or overwatered, monsteras recover quickly. If its size is a concern, place the plant in a dimly lit area to allow it to grow slowly.

Warning indicators: Crispy leaves mean that the plant is getting sunburned or is not getting enough water. Yellow leaves, on the other hand, mean that you have watered too much.

 Care tips

  • Exposure to bright, indirect light

  • Watering weekly 

  • Moderate temperature (between 64.4º to 75.2 ºF), but can stand colder temperatures

Attention: Toxic for pets.


Commonly known as St. George's Sword, this plant is very hardy and therefore great to have in bathrooms, even in the lack of a window. It is also suitable for environments with bright, indirect light.

These plants can go weeks without being watered, making them perfect for the forgetful or for those who travel frequently. They are highly sought after for their air purifying properties.

Warning indicators: Yellow, drooping leaves and an unpleasant odour may indicate overwatering.

Care tips

  • Low to medium luminosity

  • Water monthly (let it dry completely between watering)

  • Temperature between 13º and 24ºC 

Attention: Toxic for pets.


Often confused with the Pothos plant, Philodendron is an excellent plant for getting started in this botanical universe. This plant thrives in indirect light, but doesn't like to be exposed to very bright sunlight. It likes to be constantly watered but adjusts easily if you forget to water it from time to time.

Warning indicators: Yellow leaves indicate over-watering. 

Care Tips

  • Medium to high luminosity and indirect

  • Water weekly

  • The temperature should not be below 64.4 ºF

Warning: Toxic to pets.


As one of the easiest indoor plants to care for, Dracaena is an exotic plant with shiny, sword-shaped leaves with different colors at the margin (dark green) and in the center (bright yellow). It is an ideal plant for beginners, but also satisfies the more experienced 'plant lovers'.

Warning indicators: The tips of the lower leaf layer turning yellow and starting to dry out is due to a natural 'aging' process (the plant's life span is about two years). In turn, if it is the upper leaf layers that turn yellow and start to dry out, this is due to inadequate watering. Finally, when the shoots dry out and the leaf disintegrates, it means excessive watering and inadequate temperature. 

Care Tips

  •  Keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged

  • Too much water kills the plant

  •  Mild and stable temperature (between 64.4º and 68 ºF)

 Warning: Toxic to pets.


It is a species known for attracting good energy and prosperity. It is an excellent choice for beginners and for those who live in an apartment since it doesn't like direct sun. Furthermore, it is not a demanding plant, as it does not need to be watered frequently. Besides the ease of care, it is very graced by its beauty.

Warning indicators: Yellow leaves mean too much water.

Care Tips

  • Avoid direct sun and intense light

  • Water monthly (let it dry completely between waterings)

  • The temperature never below 18ºC (64ºF). The ideal is 25ºC (82ºF) or higher

Attention: Toxic for pets.

Plants transform the life of any home, making them happier, more beautiful and healthier. At In & Out Cooking, you will find pots with an elegant and timeless design to display your plants and thus create pleasant environments in your home or even at your workplace. As a last resort, you can always opt for our artificial flowers and bonsai.

Let yourself be inspired!